About Aaron!
Aaron A Watson is an Equity Stage Manager based in New York City. A Maine native, Aaron’s work has brought him from Maine, to Florida, New York City, Georgia, Colorado, and every other continental United State in this country via tours, regional productions, and other small projects.
Aaron works with Theatre, Dance, and many other forms of live entertainment. His Stage Management style always grounds itself within understanding, patience, a smile, and humor. One of Aaron’s common catch phrases is, “you don’t know until you know!” meaning that someone can’t be faulted for not knowing something when they haven’t experience it. Especially when working with younger or new professionals.
Along with theatre Aaron’s hobbies lie in photography, fitness, hiking, camping, digital art, and exploring the various cities his work brings him to.
Aaron always views life as an adventure and is very fortunate that his career has allowed this adventure to take him to so many amazing places. He is excited to continue on in his journey.
Follow Aaron on Instagram to follow his shenanigans and see where in the world the #littleginger is today!